
Zesty Bestie 500ml

R62.00 incl. VAT

The concentration of phytonutrients in fresh vegetables and fruit provides optimal nourishment to the body when ingested as pure juice. Our juices are cold-pressed and immediately blast-frozen to ensure all nutrients are retained.

Why don’t we list the vitamins and minerals in our products?
Because we believe in the power of whole foods and the synergy of their nutrients rather than isolating and highlighting individual components.
Read more about this under FAQs / Juicing.

Apple: Apples have antioxidant and anticancer properties, regulate blood sugar and lower blood cholesterol levels. They are an excellent source of phytonutrients and soluble fibre. Apples are beneficial components in cleansing fasts because they help eliminate toxins.

Celery: Celery provides antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cardiovascular support and helps protect the stomach and digestive tract.Raw celery juice provides an exceptionally high percentage of vital organic sodium (salt). Salt is necessary for the generation of digestive fluids in the system, but such salt must be entirely soluble in water (table salt is not water-soluble). One of the chemical properties of sodium is to dislodge and maintain inorganic calcium (clogged up in the system from eating concentrated sugars and starches) in solution until it can be eliminated from the system. Vital organic sodium derived from celery juice plays an important part in the physiological processes of the body. One of these is maintaining the fluidity of the blood and lymph. Another is the elimination of carbon dioxide from the system.
Celery is also high in magnesium and iron, a combination which is invaluable as food for the blood cells.

Cucumber: Cucumber juice is a wonderful natural diuretic for secreting and promoting urine flow. It has many other valuable properties, such as promoting hair growth due to its high silicon and sulphur content. The high potassium content of cucumber juice makes it very valuable in helping conditions of high and low blood pressure. It is equally helpful in afflictions of the teeth and gums. Our nails and hair particularly need the combination of elements that fresh cucumber juice furnishes, helping to prevent the splitting of the nails and falling out of the hair. Skin eruptions of many kinds have been helped by drinking cucumber juice.

Lemon: Although lemons have an acidic taste, they have a strong alkaline reaction in the body (excess acidity in the body leads to an ideal playground for viruses and other diseases). Lemons are a source of phytonutrients that have both antioxidant and antibiotic effects. They also have anticancer benefits.

Ginger: Ginger boosts the immune system and protects against bacteria and fungi. Ginger is a remedy for headaches, menstrual cramps, motion sickness, nausea, indigestion, wind, irritable bowel, loss of appetite, cold, flu, bronchitis, poor circulation, and heartburn.


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