Detox Tea

Detox Teas

Ingredients and Benefits

16 Recipes, 52 Ingredients

All Spice

Immune benefits. Anti-oxidant. Assist blood circulation. Digestive aid.

16 Recipes, 52 Ingredients


Aids weight loss. Improves blood circulation. Supports detoxification. Digestive aid.

16 Recipes, 52 Ingredients

Cinnamon Bark

Strong antioxidant. Helps with weight management. Increases the metabolism of glucose. Assist with inflammation.

16 Recipes, 52 Ingredients


Antiseptic properties. Benefits for oral health. Digestive aid. Supports immune system. Antioxidant. Assists with gas and bloating.

16 Recipes, 52 Ingredients

Dandelion Leaves

Cleanses the blood and liver. Support kidney and liver function. Natural diuretic. Source of potassium.

16 Recipes, 52 Ingredients

Fennel Seeds

Digestive aid. Anti-inflammatory properties. Assists with detox. Improves immune system. Boosts metabolsim.

16 Recipes, 52 Ingredients

Green Rooibos

Powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Caffeine free.

16 Recipes, 52 Ingredients

Ginger Root

Digestive aid. Cleanses the colon. Fights inflammation. Stimulates circulation.

16 Recipes, 52 Ingredients

Lemon Grass

Stimulates the metabolism. Assists with weight loss. Removes harmful toxic waste from body. Digestive aid.

16 Recipes, 52 Ingredients

Milk Thistle

Supports liver and gallbladder function. Digestive aid. Supports immune system. Acts as a diuretic.

16 Recipes, 52 Ingredients

Orange Peel

Increases metabolism. Boosts energy levels.

16 Recipes, 52 Ingredients

Siberian Ginseng

Strengthens the adrenal glands. Adaptogen which helps the body respond to stress. Improves energy and sleep. Strong anti-inflammatory properties.

16 Recipes, 52 Ingredients

Stinging Nettle

Removes harmful waste from body. Diuretic action. Supports blood sugar levels. Helps with anaemia.

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